The route

You can find the route maps to your run here.
Whether start- and finish infrastructur, detailed plan oder elevation profile.


Start Lindau - Island, Germany

Finish Bregenz - Lake of Constance Stadium, Austria

Refreshment points

At the start you can get hot and cold beverages. The route has a total of 14 refreshment points as well as the start and finish where beverages, electrolytes and fruit will be available. On the route, refreshment points can be found every 5 kilometers and in the finishing area. Additional water stands can be found every 5 kilometres from kilometre 12.5 on. Immediately after crossing the finishing line, a big refreshment town where you can find everything that a runners heart, well said body and stomach desires or tolerates after your running experience.



That you are not missing anyone. You can find the timing sheets for downloading here.


AIMS Zertifikat

Official route measurement of the marathon route


Marathon and relay marathon - the route

Marathon and relay marathon - altitude profile

Half-Marathon - the route

Half-Marathon - altitude profile

Quarter-Marathon and Walking - the route

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Quarter-Marathon und Walking – altitude profile